Trading Central Alpha Generation Indicators
Harness the Power of Alpha Generation using Three Innovative MetaTrader Indicators with Tredero
Trade with TC Alpha Generation Indicators tool for premium analytical features that help you make informed decisions to boost your trading strategy.
Analyst Views
Leave your analysis to the experts and save time to cultivate your trading strategy. Get insight into a world of new ideas backed-up with powerful algorithms and intelligent experts in the field.
Adaptive Candlesticks
This premium indicator scans sixteen candlesticks from the time-trusted candlestick patterns. Using unique quantitative and technical analysis expertise the Adaptive Candlesticks focuses on patterns that are relevant for decision making.
Adaptive Divergence Convergence (ADC)
ADC is a great feature to use for your short-term trading with more timely-signals. Adaptive Divergence Convergence analysis guards against sideways trading movements by adapting rapidly and extending trading periods as needed. Get insight in long and short-term entry and exit signals.
The Industry is Continuously Evolving
At Tredero, we understand that you need the freedom of flexibility and ease in your trading experience, this is why we offer the Trading Central Economic Insight in a user-friendly interface.
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